Trail to Watson Falls, OR, Oct 2017-4.JPG

cpharwell | Photos

Fine Art Imagery

Fine Art Photography by Clarence Harwell

ARt Photography for your wall

cpharwell (that’s me) has been a professional photographer for over 40 years. For 22 of those years I owned and operated a Commercial Photography & Portrait/Wedding Photography studio in Southern California. Now, I devote my time producing artwork for sale, creating large format, fine art photography prints chosen by collectors for display on their home or office wall. The photographic galleries on this website are carefully curated. Each image is crafted by hand to very high standards using the finest printing methods available. The goal is to allow you to decorate your home or office with some of the finest artwork available. Being a fine art photographer, and getting out of the studio and producing art photography of landscapes has allowed me to see an abundance of some of the finest landscapes around.

Own a Fine Art Photography Print

To review available art work and to own one of cpharwell’s (again, that’s me) fine art photographic prints through this website, browse through the Galleries below. Take your time and enjoy the journey. By clicking on each image, you will be afforded a view of a high resolution preview and a description of the image. By using the arrows on the left and right of the enlarged image you can scroll through the whole gallery. By clicking on the “Purchase Image” on each enlargement, it will take you to the product page to show the available sizes that are offered for each image, the image styles offered for each image and investment information. Thank you for visiting.

Photo Galleries

A photographic image, a photography landscape, captures a moment in time, thus making each image unique. What is captured in the image is the way the light plays across the scene. Without light, there is no image, just blackness. It is this light that I am ever looking for. It is also the light that makes each image singular. Waiting for that perfect light, or re-visiting a scene many times and spending countless hours waiting for the light is what makes a “picture” a piece of fine art imagery. Using light and composition and letting my minds eye see what the scene in front of me can be, allows me to accomplish my goal of evoking an emotion from the viewer. If I can do this, I have accomplished my goal. I have created a fine art image. Photography you will be proud to display on your wall. Fine art photography to enliven your wall and your space. Own a piece of nature, a natural landscape photographic print.

Here you can view, learn more about and purchase quality fine art photographic prints from any of the six galleries. One gallery, Personal Projects, has six sub-galleries. These are themes I tend to return to time after time.

Galleries include: Abstracts and Intimate Landscapes, Black and White, Flora, Landscapes, Water (Oceans, Rivers and Lakes) and Personal Projects. The Personal Projects sub-galleries include: Animals, Barns, Bridges, Lighthouses, Sports and The Wonder of Waterfalls. Enjoy your journey as you explore these galleries for the perfect image to proudly display on your wall.

Abstracts & Intemate Landscapes

Abstracts & Intemate Landscapes



Personal Projects

Personal Projects

Limited Editions

Limited Editions

Black and White

Black and White



Water - Oceans, Rivers and Lakes

Water - Oceans, Rivers and Lakes




Investing in a cpharwell | Photos Image…the Process

Sometimes you just know. You know what you like and you know the location and size of the space you need to fill. Sometimes you don’t. If you know, then find the image that fits your need and place your order. If you don’t know, and need some help, an information guide and FAQs has been created to help you step by step through the process. Clicking on the link, information, or FAQs in the line above, or at the top of the page, will take you to the guide or the FAQS. There you can learn more about how to own a cpharwell | Photos image to proudly display in your home or business. Enjoy the journey. Feel free to take the journey many times. Questions? Use the “contact” link to get in touch with me. cph